Event: Royal Osteoporosis Society Launch Event
Date: 13 February 2019
Venue: Illuminate, Science Museum
In-house partners: 295
Why did you choose Illuminate at the Science Museum?
We were looking to create a launch event for the Royal Osteoporosis Society that would maximize the opportunities for our guests to attend, so it needed to be large enough that we could have a wide spread of guests, but not too big that it felt cold and uninviting. We wanted a venue that would reinforce our scientific pursuit towards a cure for osteoporosis and to launch the world’s first Osteoporosis and Bone Research Academy highlighting how we could achieve it. It was a nice coincidence that the Science Museum was also launching the double launch.
Describe the brief of the event, who was the event for/aimed at? What were the core goals and objectives?
The event at the Science Museum announced, celebrated and recognised our transition to the Royal Osteoporosis Society and the creation and launch of the Osteoporosis and Bone Research Academy by our president HRH The Duchess of Cornwall. We wanted to bring together guests, stakeholders, volunteers, staff and friends from a wide range of audiences to engage with our future work programme. We wanted to inspire them to care for their bones, to tell others to care about their bone health and the bones of people with osteoporosis and ultimately support the charity.
As HRH was in attendance there was also a media Royal rota to maximise media coverage of the transition to Royal Osteoporosis Society and launch of the Academy as well as raise awareness of osteoporosis and bone health.
How did Illuminate’s setting enhance your event?
Illuminate, over two levels, allowed us to tell this story in chronological order. Level 5 was dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging how far we have come with the launch presentations representing the present. Level 4 depicted our intentions for the future and how people could get involved with the charity, either financially or supporting with their expertise or time. This also allowed us to keep the new branding and the academy a secret until after we officially launched, with HRH The Duchess of Cornwall revealing our brand in the middle of the event.
Was there any bespoke catering/AV for the event?
We wanted to keep the celebratory feel to the event so opted for canapés and prosecco but also wanted something substantial enough for a lunchtime event – as well as being mindful of spending charity funds wisely. With help from Illuminate’s catering team, Moving Venue, we added items from the sandwich menu and cut them down to finger food size to hit both criteria.
In terms of AV, the range of options helped to add impact to the event, from the LED display walls as guests exited the lifts, to the large TV repeater screens. Live streaming the event from Level 5 to Level 4 was a great way to enable those on the floor below to follow all the action.
What was your overall impression?
We had a great event, which met our objectives, and ensured a good guest experience. Guest feedback was extremely positive across the board from all our different audience groups. The food from Moving Venue, audio and visual production from White Light, that view across London and the feeling of space all added to the success of the event. The staff shared their expertise and really worked in partnership to make sure our event ran smoothly. Special mention to Paul and Cyrus from White Light, Claire, Ben and Kevin from Moving Venue and Paulo and Bryony from the Science Museum.